Thursday, August 14, 2014

In this tutorial, I will explain you TestNG installation in eclipse. TestNG comes with Eclipse plug-in that allow you to write and run TestNG tests from Eclipse in a convenient way. Before TestNG installation and configuration, you should be sure that the eclipse and java jdk 5 or higher has installed on the computer.

Once you are done with TestNG plugin installation, you need to add testng.jar in your project library. TestNG.jar comes with Selenium. So, I recommend you to configure Selenium with eclipse. Click here to know how to install Selenium WebDriver.

TestNG Installation in Eclipse

Look at the following steps for TestNG Installation in Eclipse -

Sept 1: Open eclipse, click on "Help" and then click on "Install New Software".

Step 2: Enter site URL and click on "Add " button
  • For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter
  • For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter

Step 3: Enter Repository Name (For example, Enter Name as “TestNG”) and Click "OK" Button and then Click Next button

Step 4: Accept the License and then click "Finish" button

Step 5: Wait for Installing Software

Step 6: Click Ok

Step 7: Restart Eclipse. Click "Yes" button





How to verify that TestNG has successfully installed?

Open eclipse, click Window --> Show View --> Other

New window will open, click on Java. You will see TestNg inside the Java folder. This shows that TestNG has successfully installed in the eclipse.

Click here to know how to install or configure Selenium WebDriver with eclipse. Thanks for reading TestNG installation in eclipse.